Leroy Sibbles Performed at Rebel Salute January 14, 2017
Leroy Sibbles performed at Rebel Salute January 14th. Check out the Loop Jamacia article: Leroy Sibbles Performance at Rebel Salute
Leroy Sibbles performed at Rebel Salute January 14th. Check out the Loop Jamacia article: Leroy Sibbles Performance at Rebel Salute
Leroy Sibbles performed at the 1st Annual Ska & Rocksteady Festival in Kingston, Jamaica Nov 26th. If you missed it you missed a great show, backed by Lloyd Parks and his band. Make sure to mark this event on your calendar for next year. Big up Jingles. This Link to…
Greetings Leroy Sibbles friends and fans! Leroy’s 1982 solo album ‘On Top’ is up for a 2016 Polaris Heritage Music Award. Category 1976-1985. Voting closes Oct 5th. Here is the link to vote for Leroy: Link: http://polarismusicprize.ca/heritage-prize/2016-short-list/
Leroy Sibbles exclusive interview with “I Never Knew TV” focuses on the history of rocksteady/reggae music, working with Dennis Brown, The Abyssinians, John Holt, Burning Spear, Jackie Mittoo, Carlton and The Shoes, Studio one & the similarity to Motown Records.
Leroy Sibbles featured on Reggae Lane 1,200 sq ft mural in Toronto, Canada commemorating more than a dozen local #Reggae #legends. During the 70s and 80s Toronto was a thriving hub for Reggae musicians like #BobMarley #HaileSelassi #PluggySatchimo #Bernie Pitters #LeroySibbles #LordTanamo #LeroyBrown #CarolBrown #OtisGayle #JoeIsaacs #JayDouglas #StrangerCole #JohnnyOsbourn #TheLionofJuda…
Leroy performed at the Sierra Nevada World Music Festival on June 19th. http://www.snwmf.com/performers.php Sierra Nevada World Music festival
Legendary reggae artiste Leroy Sibbles has named his new locally built car the Local Legend. According to the icon, the car is symbolic of his contribution to Jamaican music and is a literal representation of his creativity. The Rock and Come In singer has been in the music industry for…